In a little over 3 weeks the gates will open for the 158th Metcalfe Fair! Everybody’s busy sprucing up the Fairgrounds, entries are coming in to the office at a good rate, and the whole community’s starting to get ready for The Fair!
NEWS FLASH – If you’re thinking you might want to enter the Decorating Competition, it’s not too late! Entries are being accepted until Friday, September 12th!!
This edition of What’s Up Wednesday will feature a couple of our perennial favourite attractions, some of our entertainers, and a bit of info you just might find helpful!
Hours of Operation
OFFICE HOURS (starting Sept. 2nd):
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday – 9 am to 4:30 pm
Wednesday – 9 am to 7 pm
Saturday – 9 am to 1 pm
Wednesday, October 1st: 7-9 pm – Family Pavilion and Agricultural Hall open to accept 4-H Lifeskills, Homecrafts, Culinary Arts, Flowers, Junior, Group Displays, Produce, Field Crops, and 4-H Field Crops exhibits.
Thursday, October 2nd:
8 am to 10 am – Family Pavilion and Agricultural Hall accepting entries (see above)
4 pm – Gates and Midway open
Friday, October 3rd: 7 am – Gates Open; 10 am – Exhibit Halls Open; 1 pm – Midway Opens
Saturday, October 4th: 7 am – Gates Open; 10 am – Exhibit Halls Open; 11 am – Midway Opens
Sunday, October 5th: 7 am – Gates Open; 10 am – Exhibit Halls Open; 11 am – Midway Opens
Fiddling and Step Dancing Competition
The Metcalfe Fair’s Fiddling and Step Dancing Competition has become a highlight of the annual fair, and one of the regular stops on the circuit of fiddle and step dance competitions. This year marks over 20 years for the step dancing portion of the competition and the 4th year for fiddling.
We are pleased to announce the talented judges for this year’s competition. Chad Wolfe and Cindy Thompson, both talented fiddlers AND step dancers, will be sitting at the judges’ table. Both are renowned entertainers, teachers and judges and are well-respected in the fiddle and step dance community. Once again, the music will be top-notch with returning musicians Kyle Felhaver, from Braeside, on fiddle, and Guylaine Gagner, from Prévost, Quebec, playing piano.
Metcalfe resident and Fair Director, Cheryl Cooper, will be returning as the Master of Ceremonies. Each year, contestants and spectators comment on the friendly, relaxed and enjoyable environment that Cheryl creates on stage.
Don’t miss the Metcalfe Fair Fiddling and Step Dancing competition being held Saturday, October 4th beginning at 11:00 am in the Community Centre. You won’t be disappointed!
The combined talents of Allan McGimpsey, Dale Williams, Randy Chesbro, and Mike Summers make up Cornwall’s Best Classic Rock Band, and they’ll be rockin’ the OLG Entertainment Centre on Thursday, October 2nd!
Whether you enjoy a variety of country music like Eagles or Big & Rich, or your taste runs to some Bryan Adams and Pink Floyd, or even Reggae, Blues, Rock ‘n’ Roll from the ’60’s to today’s music, Landmark brings it all!
It’s a show you’ll enjoy and always remember!
Check it out after the Derby on Thursday night!
Family Pavilion 
Who makes the best pie? What does a champion quilt look like? Where can you get a nice cuppa tea & a sweet bite?
Find all the answers in the Metcalfe Fair Family Pavilion! For 51 weeks of the year, it’s the Curling Club, but during Fair week, it’s home to the finest that our exhibitors have to offer in Culinary Arts, Homecrafts, Flowers, and Junior exhibits.
The Family Pavilion is also the home of the 4-H Regional Championship Lifeskills and Exhibit entries.
We are very proud of the fine array of talents that are on display in our Family Pavilion – said to be one of the largest and most extensive in Ontario!
And don’t miss the Women’s Institute Tea Room, where you can sit and enjoy and hot cup of tea or coffee, and nibble on delicious homemade squares and cookies. YUM!!
Be sure to make a visit to this wonderful exhibit hall a “must-do” when you visit the 2014 Metcalfe Fair!