Two weeks from tonight the Fairgrounds will be bustling with activity as exhibitors arrive with their entries for the Agricultural Hall and Family Pavilion classes. We can’t wait!
In the meantime, final preparations are well underway for opening day on Thursday October 2nd, but until then, we have a few more tidbits to let you know what’s coming up at the 158th Metcalfe Fair …
Horse Pull
There’s lots of talk about the Demo Derby, the Truck Pull, and the Classic Car show, but if you want to see some REAL Horsepower, don’t miss this year’s Horse Pull at the Metcalfe Fair!
The Horse Pull takes place on Friday, October 3, 2014 at 7:00 pm in the arena.
Teams of horses take turns pulling a “sled” loaded with cement blocks – a completed pull is 15 feet (that doesn’t sound like much, but there’s a LOT of weight on that sled). A completed pull gets the team into the next round, and so it goes till they’re down to the top 3 in each class.
The teams are weighed just before the pull starts. The “Light” class is for teams with a combined weight of 3,500 lbs., and the “Heavy” class is for teams over 3,500 lbs. That’s a lot of horsepower!
You’ll find yourself picking a favourite team very early in the event, and it’s lots of fun cheering them on!
If you’re interested in participating, here are links to the Entry Form, Rules, and Prize Information.
Seeing Orangeman live in the OLG Entertainment Centre will be an experience all its own! You’ll laugh, you’ll dance, and you’ll leave saying “WOW! What a party!” Come on out and join this party on Saturday, October 4th.
Putting on a non-stop show featuring top party songs from the 80’s, 90’s and some Top 40 hits, Orangeman’s music is played to perfection. Their strong vocals are only matched by their fun and outgoing personalities.
Put on your best beach gear and sandals. Get out your straw hat and shades cause the sun will be shining when Orangeman comes to town!
Tickets are just $20 per person, and are available at the Fair office, Metcalfe Farmers’ Market, and Cooper Physiotherapy Clinic in Osgoode. Orangeman’s shows always sell out – don’t miss out, get your tickets early!
There’s lots of free parking within easy walking distance of the Fair!
Accessible parking is located in the paved parking lot on the north (village) side of the Arena.
We have a huge 10-acre parking lot across the road from the Fairgrounds – just south of the High School – and there’s a ticket booth and admission gate adjacent to that parking lot.
There’s another large parking lot located on 8th Line Road at the Stanley Apartments, between the Arena and St. Catherine’s School.
All this plus on-street parking in the neighbouring subdivisions.
Limited parking is also available on the Fairgrounds, but please leave this for exhibitors and folks with special needs.